Hello friends!

Hello friends and comrades near and far!

After many years of talking and dreaming, and 12 months or so of meetings and getting our heads around the nuts and bolts of housing coops, we’ve finally set up a website.

Here’s an update on some of our journey so far….

2014: two of our members started to live together in a home, nicknamed ‘1995’
2014 - 2022: ‘1995’ provided a collective home for care, community and conspiring to many comrades, including respite and return from international work

2021: The landlord at 1995 announced their intention to sell, and asked us to leave. We asked if we could have 6 months to put together an offer to buy as a co-op, but were told it ‘wasn’t in his family’s financial interests’

2022: We moved together to another privately rented home, where all cinnabar members, current and prospective, now live.

2022: We started regular meetings to share our existing knowledge about setting up housing co-ops, learn together, clarify our shared vision and values and develop our plans. We also started attending Radical Routes gatherings.

2023: We chose the name Cinnabar - after the red & black ‘anarcho moths’ that lived on the ragwort in our previous and current gardens.

2024: Cinnabar Coop registered with the FCA

2024: Cinnabar Coop website launched in preparation for seeking loanstock …